Indigenous Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight


My chapter for chapter review is not as easy as I imagined. Sometimes I read the chapter and … well, it’s just a story, while other times it swims in memories. Quite often I find myself wondering,

if any of what I write is original or actually mine. I mean, I use songs to give atmosphere, I love doing this. I reckon two thirds of my life has been involved with music in one way or another. Next, I remember pictures and paintings I have seen or searched for to help create authentic scenery or add to the mood of the moment. Finally, I relive moments from my past, whether it is meeting friends and acquaintances or strangers. I have met a lot of strangers, and I have always been intrigues by the various ways they talk and express themselves. This I hope has helped me create realistically sounding conversations. I even remember phrases from books and films. Naturally, these I cross-reference. I would hate to think I deliberately stole someone else’s genius. If you read my books, you might notice that I am quite fanatical about doing this, adding a footnote to something tiny, and perhaps irrelevant. But the truth is, if I recognize the inspiration, then I will comment on it.

Allow me therefore to use this moment to inform you that should anyone So. If anyone notices something in any of the seven books that need a cross-reference, or correcting even if my information is wrong! I would be very grateful and appreciate it very much and will add or change the information accordingly.

Another question, however, is it possible to have a pure original idea? Everything is a development of something. Einstein was one of the great theoretical physicists of the twentieth century, but still, his theories have been developed to create new ones.

So yes, I openly admit that my writing has been influenced by my life and the period or generation, (whichever you prefer) I have lived in. I have always enjoyed reading, music, and art. Whenever I notice these things coming through into my books, I honor them with a cross-reference.

So, my questions remain unanswered. All I can say is that I hope my books are as original as development and change allows, but more importantly, I hope you find them entertaining.

For those of you who have read one or more of the I am GoD books, you should have realized that although the story is in the future, the game in which it all happens is from the past. This has to be a moment of pure inspiration. Or, as I like to say, a smart-ass. LOL. This wonderful trick, however, allows me to write about things I know. I am not sure if I have written it somewhere in one of my books, or maybe it is a section (one of many) that was cut out and never made it. This is something that happens a lot. More cut outs than story. LOL.

I do believe though, that fifty years or so in the future, the second half of the twentieth century, the time I was born, will be seen by many as some sort of golden age. A time of digital-less humanity. The world before computers.

But enough of that, now onto chapter Eight. The title itself is simple, no great need to interpret the verb as to its true meaning. I find it comical, however, as it is also part of George’s character. He has a cowardice run away streak in him, which is revealed here.

I clearly remember thoroughly enjoying writing this chapter as well as chapter seven. Together they are ‘entertaining’ and move quickly. This was one of the things I recognized in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The book is a rollercoaster of events. It races along at an exhilarating speed. Even now, thinking about it, I am left amazed.

As for details, a huge amount of research went into the village and the Indigenous on the island. I wanted it to feel correct. Not made up. I think it was this desire that inspired me to describe George’s leap as not superhero style. And the fact that he ran off after without caring for anyone else added to this.

I think I only made one questioning remark and that was about the Cap lands. As yes, I believe one day most of the snow will have melted, and new countries and nations will grow. People will move to these areas for work and perhaps much needed fossil fuels. Others, however, will suffer, but what is the phrase? ‘All for the greater good.’ Unfortunately, I fear the greater good will be a few elites and very rich people. But who knows, maybe I will be wrong.

By edwardholden

I have been lots of things to many people. Some nice, and some... well not so nice. Now I am older and less worried about what people think of me. My past is colorful, sad and happy. Filled with lots of unique people. I have been blessed in this way. I have walked with people in all walks of life, and I have loved each journey, and each and everyone of them. Now, I write. It is a new road. It is not a highway or a crossroad. It leads me somewhere though, and as I have always spent my life travelling, this suits me fine.

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