Revelations Chapter Eleven

Having re-read this chapter, what I find most enjoyable about it is its speed.  The story rushes along, but not with superhero characters but – normal kids.  Evylin continues in her role as the more experienced player, this might have to do with the fact that I was taught girls matured earlier than boys –… Continue reading Revelations Chapter Eleven

Revelations Chapter Ten

Although this chapter carries on with the story of Evylin and George crossing level three, what I remember most about writing it, was all the time spent in research.  There are so many different scenes inside my head that needed to be explained.  And of course, in doing so I didn’t want to write cliches… Continue reading Revelations Chapter Ten

Revelations: Chapter Eight

Don’t you just love pointless but amusing coincidences? I am finally back writing my blog and guess what – it’s chapter eight – the number’s the coincidence.  Some of you might say, it wasn’t that long ago to have forgotten, and for you, this may be true.  I misplace words and memories in my mind… Continue reading Revelations: Chapter Eight


If anyone is reading this, please allow me to apologize for not writing a weekly chapter analysis as promised, the last few weeks. I am extremely busy trying to finish I am GoD EI8HT.  Not only is the story becoming more complicated, but the cover artwork too. Second, my motivation or the energy to continue… Continue reading Apologizes

Revelations Chapter Seven

This chapter continues with Jessie’s return from the foundations. I find myself enjoying writing (and reading) about Jessie.  I know she isn’t real, and her family’s interaction is more my wishes of how family life should be.  I can picture the characters very clearly and feel some of their comments could be true. It’s difficult… Continue reading Revelations Chapter Seven

Revelations Chapter Five

Chapter five begins with me poking fun at those ‘team spirit’ motivation talks that were so popular at the turn of the century.  As a piano player I often played at such functions during dinner and so often found myself standing on the sidelines watching some ‘young dynamic leader’ gesticulate his way through his speech.… Continue reading Revelations Chapter Five

Revelations Chapter Four

In this chapter, I play with the idea of what is ‘worth keeping’ and what isn’t.  The notion that in the future handwriting will no longer be taught, does seem likely.  I personally think the earlier children move onto working with a PC at school the better.  Being able to spell is overrated.  It should… Continue reading Revelations Chapter Four