In this chapter, I play with the idea of what is ‘worth keeping’ and what isn’t. The notion that in the future handwriting will no longer be taught, does seem likely. I personally think the earlier children move onto working with a PC at school the better. Being able to spell is overrated. It should… Continue reading Revelations Chapter Four
Revelations Chapter Three
This next chapter brings me onto a point that is difficult to explain. It is how I am inspired. I honestly don’t know how other writers work, come to think of it, I don’t how anyone else works. How do two people stay together? How does a parent bring up kids that love them? Here… Continue reading Revelations Chapter Three
Revelations: Chapter Two
Sometimes I wonder how wonderful it must be to be one of those authors who can just ‘tell a story’, where the words flow out of their minds straight into the laptop. My storytelling isn’t like that. It’s a bit more like: Yes, I can see all the colors of the rainbow and yes, it’s… Continue reading Revelations: Chapter Two
Revelations: Chapter One
Well, here goes with the second book of ‘I am GoD: Revelations’. In the paperback form the story opens with the last chapter of Connecting and (at the back of the book the words and explanation from a song I wrote a long time ago). These were added simply to fill the spine of the… Continue reading Revelations: Chapter One
Chapter Twelve
Chapter twelve is the last chapter of Connecting. It basically shows the same scene but from two completely different viewpoints. First there is that of George’s and his shock in having killed someone who very clearly was a tyro and did not understand the game, in as much they had tried to surrender, and the… Continue reading Chapter Twelve
Chapter Eleven
After the ‘full’ chapter of ten, it is relaxing to read on into chapter eleven without any great futuristic inventions, only the lighthearted conversation between Jessie and her best friend, her Wallscreen. (The 3D camera system does sound good, and I am surprised no one has invented it so far.) I remember my daughter Linda,… Continue reading Chapter Eleven
Chapter Ten
Chapter ten is what I would describe as a ‘full’ chapter. Of course, there is the story line: George continues to travel across level two towards the cross over gate, but at the same time, it develops George’s character further, through small insights into his relationship to his mom, his aunt, and Evylin. Added to… Continue reading Chapter Ten
Chapter Nine
Chapter nine starts with George crossing over. This is where the player moves between levels. He also mentions that it is not possible to follow someone across. I am not sure why or where this idea came from, but it prevents any player chasing another. How it works is a bit like jumping out of… Continue reading Chapter Nine
Moving Forward
I know this blog is about I am GoD connecting, and hopefully some of you are waiting to read what influenced me to write chapter nine, but… I’ve started writing again. This is good news for me. I wasn’t suffering from writers’ block, as that’s something that happens to people who have deadlines and dates… Continue reading Moving Forward
This week’s blog is short. I had hoped to write something wonderful, something inspiring, and something that would reflect human nature in a great way. Yes, I am talking about my charity month. It was a complete failure. In fact, my sales have never been so low. I am not sure why it happened, I… Continue reading Unfortunately…